Emotional voters can create heat, but it requires educated voters to properly educate and direct their elected representatives. Ronald Reagan used the phrase “I have sometimes said it isn’t necessary to make them see the light; it’s only necessary to make them feel the heat ” in a Question-and-Answer Session via Satellite to Republican Campaign Events. During the session a question was asked regarding a candidate who was representing he supported President Reagan’s initiatives, but whose voting record showed otherwise.
President Reagan replied: “…this is something that, down through the years, has bothered me very much, and that is the cynical individuals in government who recognize that people out there—all of you there who are listening, you’re busy with your own occupations and activities and you don’t have the time to follow up. So, they come home and they make a speech to the local Chamber or something or in a campaign they do as this Congressman Fuqua is doing. They state what they believe and so forth, and people go out and say, “Well, I agree with that,” and vote for them. And they don’t—they know cynically that they can get away with that when it doesn’t match their voting record.
The only answer is, all of us have got to pay more attention. We’ve got to look up, as you have done, obviously, what that voting record is and make sure that they are the same in Washington as they are when they’re back home in the district. And if we’ll all do that, we can pin ’em down and make ’em a little more honest on that.
It’s clear that President Reagan understood the power of the people. He used a similar phrase “if some in Congress won’t see the light, I know you can make them feel the heat ” regarding cutting budget waste. At that time he said: “I ask your support, because I think Americans are increasingly aware that our constitutionally guaranteed right to vote, to assemble, to engage in free speech, and all the other forms of political freedom have their equally important economic counterparts: the right not to be too heavily burdened by big government, by excessive taxes, by skyrocketing inflation, and high interest rates; the right to a future where you and your children can go just as far and reach just as high as your individual talents and energies will take you, a future rich in freedom, in opportunity, in growth—an economic bill of rights.”
Only an informed electorate, who understands the proper form of government and constitutional principles, and actively see to bring them about can help bring about the change needed in our country.