John Wayne was one of several outspoken celebrities supporting the 2nd Amendment – here are some quotes from some others:
Brad Pitt: A quote from Pitt on the relationship between guns and America:
I absolutely don’t believe you can put sanctions or shackles on what is made. Nor do I want to pretend the world is different than what we witnessed that night… America is a country founded on guns. It’s in our DNA. It’s very strange but I feel better having a gun. I really do. I don’t feel safe, I don’t feel the house is completely safe, if I don’t have one hidden somewhere. That’s my thinking, right or wrong.
Clint Eastwood: Here’s an excerpt from the Washington Examiner that recounts how Eastwood summed up his views on gun control while attending an event at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in his honor in 2012.
I am a grand believer in the safety of firearms, and I’ll leave you with this story,” the actor and director said. Eastwood told the tale of a middle aged woman being stopped in her car by a police officer. The cop notices that she has a concealed weapons permit and asks her if she has a gun. She does–locked in the glove compartment there’s a 59 automatic Smith & Wesson gun. “‘oh, great, anything else?’” Eastwood says the officer asked. The answer? Yes — in the console a .357 revolver and two boxes of ammunition. Anything else? Again, yes, in the woman’s purse there was a 40 caliber Glock automatic and two extra clips.
And he says, ‘my God woman, what are you afraid of?’ and she says, ‘freakin’ nothing,’” Eastwood smirked. “That sort of sums up my gun control.
Responsible gun owners also know that the best gun control is how you care for and use a gun and the control and restraint that are mandatory for all gun owners. Gun ownership and the right to carry are not synonymous with looking to use a gun first in any confrontation.