The Constitution Restrains Government Power–Not Its People

If America is to avoid bankruptcy and preserve the civil liberties of its citizens, then the citizens must use the power of the constitution to restrain its government. Too many have embraced the idea that government power should not only provide safety from foreign threats, but also personal threats of poor health, poverty, offense, and poor choices.

Free enterprise capitalism exists only when people in the private sector are free to pursue their own interests without direction from government or interference from government power. When politicians start passing laws to tell them what to do, or bureaucrats start issuing edicts to tell them what to do, it is no longer capitalism; it’s fascism.

Too few people understand the difference between economic power and political power (better known as government power). Economic power is the right for you to refuse to hire someone’s services or buy his products in the private sector and go somewhere else instead. However, in the case of political power, if you oppose or reject a politician’s or bureaucrat’s product or services you go to jail. Finally, America has arrived at the point of where it began–where all regulations are observed and all taxes are paid at gunpoint.