Re-Empowerment of the States Amendment

Congressional Testimony – What Is the Re-Empowerment of the States Amendment? On November 16th, Foundations of Liberty Board Member, W. David Hemingway, testified before a congressional subcommittee on possible answers to states’ rights through the Re-Empowerment of the States Amendment to the Constitution. Below is the testimony presented to the committee. The several States may repeal, in […]

marijuana is states' rights issue

Marijuana Policy Is States’ Rights Issue

In withdrawing federal protection for transgendered students, the Trump administration paid tribute to our federalist system. “The president believes that this is a states’ rights issue,” said White House spokesman Sean Spicer, “We are a states’ rights party. The president in a lot of issues believes that these issues are states’ rights issues.” Yet, hours […]

federal regulations burdening states

The Cost of Federal Regulations

Ten Thousand Commandments is the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s annual survey of the size, scope, and cost of federal regulations, and how the U.S. regulatory burden affects American consumers, businesses, and the economy. Authored by CEI Vice President for Policy Clyde Wayne Crews, Jr., it shines a light on the large and growing “hidden tax” of America’s regulatory […]

Obama’s National Monument Land Grab

Throughout his time in office, Obama has implemented unconstitutional environmental policies by abusing his executive powers–including the Antiquities Act (which Roosevelt signed into law in 1906 to set aside public land for conservation). His actions have been largely applauded by environmentalists but criticized by some conservatives for placing too much land under federal control. Most […]

unfunded mandates rising

Unfunded Mandates On The States Rising Again – Forbes

Fifteen Republican Attorneys General just wrote to House and Senate leadership, concerned about agencies “failing to fully consider the effect of their regulations on States and state law.” The July 11 letter never received the media attention gotten by a different set of AGs seeking to terminate the speech and research of those who differ on climate change […]