personal accountability

Personal Accountability – Not Gov’t, Is The Solution

Too much government creates more problems than it solves and reduces personal accountability across generations. Government was created to provide for the defense of its people, not the financial welfare of all its citizens. Would-be defenders of the poor and powerless spend a lot of time and effort “denying that people bear responsibility for the […]

President Obama’s National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order of March 16

Martial Law By Executive Order

Martial Law by Executive Order Built Around National Emergencies At one level, the prospect for war with Iran is probably an immediate justification. But the comprehensiveness of the Executive Order, like that of the 2012 NDAA, speaks to something much deeper. President Obama’s National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order of March 16 does to the […]

Congress and Obama Ignore Constitution With NDAA 2012

NDAA 2012 Abolishes Civil Liberties

Congress and Obama Ignore Constitution With NDAA 2012 Obama, the biggest critic of Bush’s violation of civil liberties for prisoners of war (POWs), signed legislation removing the constitutional protections of civil liberties for all Americans—not just POWs—on December 31st 2011. Worse yet, both Democrats and Republicans combined to overwhelmingly pass the legislation with 322 to […]