Executive Order 10995 Telecommunications

Executive Order 10995 Telecommunications Management

ASSIGNING TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS WHEREAS telecommunications is vital to the security and welfare of this Nation and to the conduct of its foreign affairs; WHEREAS it is imperative that the United States maintain an efficient and well-planned national and international telecommunications program capable of stimulating and incorporating rapid technological advances being made in the field of telecommunications; […]

talking down our democracy - hillary

“Talking Down Our Democracy” – Hillary and media silent on Electoral College petition

Following her declaration that Trump was “Talking Down Our Democracy” – Hillary’s silence is a failure to fulfill her commitment given on national television. Then candidate Donald Trump’s noncommittal response to accepting the results of the election drew sharp criticism from both the media and Hillary Clinton. In fact, the New York Times’ opening paragraph […]


An Autopsy Of “Bern” Victims: Why liberal, conservative, and mainstream voters all lost

Note: While I do not support Bernie’s socialist agenda, this is not a rant against him or his policies, but rather an analysis of the opportunity to return politics to American voters and away from the establishment of both parties’ establishments (and their cronies).  Bernie’s sellout to the Democrat establishment was more than a betrayal […]

President Obama’s National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order of March 16

Martial Law By Executive Order

Martial Law by Executive Order Built Around National Emergencies At one level, the prospect for war with Iran is probably an immediate justification. But the comprehensiveness of the Executive Order, like that of the 2012 NDAA, speaks to something much deeper. President Obama’s National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order of March 16 does to the […]